Why does he have the little typewriter logo with "Hanx" at the top? I mean its 1 more letter and "Hanks" clearly fits.

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Does anyone get the Tom Hanks reference to the "I’m going to keep that one to myself for now" quote???

Please someone

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Does anyone get the Tom Hanks reference to the "I’m going to keep that one to myself for now" quote???

Please someone

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What is the reference? I have to know now.

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It's from Saving Private Ryan. Tom Hank's character was talking with Matt Damon's character about the fact that Matt Damon (Private Ryan) could not remember what his brothers looked like and he was trying to remember them. Tom Hanks (Captain Miller) said he should try to recall places with them, moments and he say like when I am trying to remember home I think about my hammock, or his wife trimming the rose bushes. So they talk for a bit and Private Ryan remembers a story about his brothers and shares with with Captain Miller. When he is done he says to Captain Miller "tell me about your wife and those rosebushes. Captain Miller says no, no I keep that one just for me."

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I don’t doubt incompetence or understaffing at X. Come on over to Threads. Or Bluesky.

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Re: Bosom Buddies, I remember watching the original airing of the High School reunion episode where Kip (Tom) and Henry take the girls to the High School reunion and he tells Isabelle that the "If you shook Shaker Hts." very few black people would fall out. They were class of 1975. I lived one district over, Cleve Hts. - Univ. Hts., (Full disclosure, Private School kid with plenty of classmates from Shaker) and this made absolutely no sense to me, as Shaker had been one of the most diverse and integrated districts in the Cleveland Area since the 1950's when my Mom went to Shaker. The other thing that bothered my was calling the school Edgar Allen Poe HS in Shaker. At the time, I had no idea of Hanks connection to Cleveland. Again, thanks for the memories. I found the episode online to make sure that I've gotten the details right. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5v27hf.

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Brian Sipe and Ozzie Newsome mention demands a like no matter what else is written.

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That you can’t get back on Twitter is definitely their own incompetence. You’d be welcome over at Bluesky!

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If he decides to remake That Thing You Do I’m prepared to learn drums and drop everything to finally become Guy Patterson.

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You know that Hanks is lurking in the comments under a fake name, right?

Well, Liv Tyler, who played Faye Dolan in ‘That Thing You Do’ made her film debut in ‘Silent Fall’, which was directed by Bruce Beresford, who also directed ‘Breaker Morant’.

So we’re on to you, Mr. Tom Hanks. Or should we just call you…

Mr H H Morant!

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I'm sorry to say that I'm not Tom Hanks, but my sobriquet does originate from Breaker Morant, which is one if my favorite films. I'm a long-time Red Sox fan who now lives in Maine and I don't even own one typewriter.

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In hindsight, we are all "Spartacus."

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wow! TWO letters from Tom Hanks! i'd pretty much watch him in anything- and i'd pretty much read anyting you ever write, Joe!

i really like 'That Thing You Do', such a sweet movie...

Twiite/X is a toxic cesspool lately, growing worse by the day...

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Juan Soto reminds me of some other very good and yet underrated ball players. Edgar Martinez of the Mariners and Jose Ramirez of Cleveland are two similar players, in that if you watched them for a short time you thought "good player" but if you kept on watching them you saw subtle things that made you change to "Holy cow! This guy is great!" Juan has a higher potential ceiling than Edgar or Jose, but like them does great things in relatively quiet ways. You soon start wondering if there is any way to pitch to him. You wonder in some ways how he could have been a rookie of the year and a top ten MVP vote getter in his second and third years, a Silver Slugger award winner in his third year (albeit a COVID year) and yet not an all-star in any of those years. (O.K., O.K. there were no official all stars in the COVID year). He's starting to build towards better recognition this year and he's in the media capital of the MLB world, so we'll see.

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We'll also see if he has the drive of Jose Ramirez.

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Good comment. I also wonder how well he will adapt to the expectations of Yankee fans after years of relatively benign neglect in Washington and San Diego. Not everyone thrives under the glare of the New York press corps.

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Boy, is that the truth. We'll see what happens when he hits a slump and the wolves come out.

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I recognize that typewriter as the model I used to type my senior thesis, forty plus years ago. It had two great attributes: It was indestructible. You could drive a bulldozer over it, and it would wreck the bulldozer. It was also theft proof. It was so heavy, it would take a gang of at least three people to haul it away. Of course, if the cops shot at the perpetrators to try to stop them from escaping, the bullets would just bounce off the typewriter. I showed it to my eight year old granddaughter, and she's still trying to figure out why there is no screen.

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Unquestionably the Brian Sipe/Ozzie Newsome bit in Bosom Buddies happened somewhere in Season 2 when they were operating the production studio. It kicked off one of the episodes they either bowl over Amy or Ruth. Hanks also says 'OK Overtime! Browns ball!'. I have th DVD set and will try to pinpoint it. I never understood why they didn't use that on the Jumbotron when Hanks threw out the 1st pitch when they were named the Guardians in 2022. Or ... if they didn't want to share the love with the Browns, they could have done the scene in Bachelor Party when Hanks is playing tennis with Tawny Kitaen's parents and belts the tennis ball and screams 'Cleveland Wins the Pennant!'

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That 2FA thing happened to me with Facebook but they don’t even have an email address to try and contact (mine was because I was forced to wipe my phone by my bank, a long and incredibly frustrating story) the tech companies have a simple solution to all their issues, it’s ‘care about your customers and prove it by hiring more people’ but that costs money so no

And as a proud Twitter quitter don’t go back Joe, believe me it’s just as bad as you’ve forgotten

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I don't think Kip and Henry are from Cleveland, at least not in the minds of the writers. Why? Kip and Henry are named after 2 bars in Berkeley where they (and me, although at least a decade later) used to go during college. Hence, they are from Berkeley, or at least went to school there. Go Bears!

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