We start today with a new section for JoeBlogs called “Corrections,” where I try to correct everything I got wrong in the last JoeBlogs post. I don’t expect to correct EVERYTHING, because, you know, I make a lot of mistakes. But we’ll at least correct as much stuff as we can.
You should know that if you read this on the website or in the app, well, IEL—Intrepid Editor Larry—does make corrections live. But I assume the vast majority of you read this in your email, and that means no corrections until the next day. Well, actually, let’s find out…*
*I realize that you might not fit any of those three delivery systems. An owl might deliver JoeBlogs to your home, Harry. Or a kid on a bicycle might throw a folded-up JoeBlogs into your driveway every morning because you’re actually living in 1976. I will consider you outliers.
Anyway, corrections from Monday’s post!
In the part where I asked if you might be interested in a JoeBlogs get-together to talk baseball and fanhood in London or perhaps even another European city—and I might even have a special guest or two joining—I included a bad link for the “I’ll come!” email. So let me try that again. If you think you might be able to join in the first week or so of January, Gmail me at PosCastRaffle.
In the hastily-put-together “All-Star Team Made Up From Players On This Year’s Ballot” (ASTMUFPOTYB)—I completely blipped and forgot that CC Sabathia is on the ballot this year. I could try to cover this up and say that I think King Félix Hernández (who I chose as my All-Star starting pitcher) was, at his peak, better than Sabathia, but I don’t actually believe that (though they were awfully close) and I’m not here to cover up my mistakes. I’m here to celebrate them! You get the raw version of me! Aren’t you lucky? CC Sabathia is my All-Star pitcher on the ballot, and I think he’s got a great shot at being elected in his first two years.
Have you ever thought about the term “hot stove league?” OF COURSE YOU HAVE NOT! That’s why you live a normal and happy life while I dwell in a cave (with admittedly good internet) and spend too many hours looking up entirely pointless stuff, such as, “How did the term ‘hot stove league’ begin?”